The Snake Story!

'Snake', the word definitely instills fear among many of us and just like everybody, i too was afraid of snakes and feared to them. But, I always had a curiosity within myself to know about these creatures and to know about the myths and misconceptions associated with them. Not just that, but I also wanted to rescue them one fine day and back in the days I used to believe that snake rescue is nothing but lifting the snake with bare hands, if it's a cobra kissing on their hood etc.. but little did I know that all these things, were dangerous and illegal...!!! I messaged many snake rescuers whom I knew either through social media or personally to teach me to handle snakes or to teach me about them and a few of them even agreed to, but since I was a kid, people used to not take the matter seriously and/or term it as 'madness'. However, It is said that not everything comes by teaching, few things come to you naturally and yes, snake rescuing came to me naturally a few ...