"Big 4" snake species of India!!
We may encounter numerous snakes in our backyard, on the road, in the jungle or when you are on a trek!! Well how do you identify if the snake is dangerous to human beings or not? Well, today i am here to explain you the number of species of that are in the world as well as in India.
Firstly let us know what are snakes? Snakes are elongated limbless reptile that are covered in scales. All the snakes are carnivores and mainly feed on rodents, birds, lizards, and other snakes. Their lower jaw is expandable and can swallow any prey without much problems (this varies from specie to specie).
There are about 3000+ species of snakes in the world, but talking about India, there are only 300+ snake species that are found and few more are still being discovered which will add up! Out of these 300 species only 15 snakes are venomous and are a threat to humans....But; out of these 15 snakes that are a threat, there are only four snakes species that are considered medically important snakes. These four snake species are known as the "Big 4" snakes of India.
Firstly let us know what are snakes? Snakes are elongated limbless reptile that are covered in scales. All the snakes are carnivores and mainly feed on rodents, birds, lizards, and other snakes. Their lower jaw is expandable and can swallow any prey without much problems (this varies from specie to specie).
There are about 3000+ species of snakes in the world, but talking about India, there are only 300+ snake species that are found and few more are still being discovered which will add up! Out of these 300 species only 15 snakes are venomous and are a threat to humans....But; out of these 15 snakes that are a threat, there are only four snakes species that are considered medically important snakes. These four snake species are known as the "Big 4" snakes of India.
1. Spectacled Cobra (Naja Naja):
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Pc: Nithyaprakash Bantwal |
Spectacled Cobra, scientific name Naja Naja, is a venomous snake specie that contains Neurotoxic venom. This snake specie can grow up to the length of 7 ft (approx.) this snake is both diurnal and nocturnal. The identification of this snakes can be done through the mark behind the hood that looks like a 'spectacle' in a few adults the mark may not be visible and some may be pattern less. If the snake feels threatened or cornered, it raises its hood to scare away the enemy and appear itself look big with a loud hiss!
2. Saw Scaled Viper (Echis Carinatus):
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Pc: Jayvant Thakur |
Saw Scaled Viper, scientific name Echis Carinatus, is a venomous snake specie that contains Haemotoxic venom. This snake specie can grow up to the length of 2.5 ft (approx.) this snake is mainly nocturnal but also found during the day. These may appear tiny, but one should never underestimate the speed in which they strike the enemy. The scales on these are keeled (rough) and if the snake feels threatened or cornered, it rubs its body to self to create a sound that is like a 'Saw' hence the name!
3. Russell's Viper (Daboia Russelii):
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Pc: Atul Pai |
Russell's Viper, scientific name Daboia Russelii, is a venomous snake specie that contains Haemotoxic venom. This snake specie can grow up to the length of 6 ft (approx.) This snake is responsible for 1000's of death across India every year. Usually nocturnal but also found in day time. Often, people mistake this snake to an Indian Rock Python (non venomous) but this snake can be identified via the patterns on the body that are oval shaped and are in a chain like structure, in a few adults the patterns might not be clear. If the snake feels threatened or cornered, the sound of the hiss is like the whistle of a 'Pressure Cooker'.
4. Common Indian Krait (Bungarus Caeruleus):
Common Indian Krait, scientific name Bungarus Caeruleus, is a venomous snake specie that contains Neurotoxic venom. This snake specie can grow up to the length of 6 ft (approx.) this snake is mainly nocturnal. The identification of this snake can be done through the white bands that are present on the body, these bands can be bright or light. Often, people mistake this snake to a Common Wolf Snake (non venomous). The bite from this snake is hardly identifiable since the fangs are tiny and the bite by these snakes usually feels like a prick by a thorn of a rose flower. Majority of the people are bitten while they are asleep and have passed away in the sleep!
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